27.1. – 31. 1. 2025
6.10. – 10. 10. 2025
*Applications are at the bottom of the page.

The seminars are organised by the Association of Transport Engineers of Slovenia, DIPS Association; headquarters: 116 Dragomelj, 1230 Domžale. 041 262-488 (Mr Janez Rozman, Chairman of the DIPS Events Organising Committee).

Contact email:

Seminarja bosta izvedena preko video platforme Zoom, vsak dan v popoldanskem času po 4 učne ure.

The lectures will include all the contents of the IZS examination programme for road and rail transport, namely:

  1. Regulations on transport engineering and the development of transport and transport infrastructure
  2. Building, spatial planning, architecture, engineering and chamber system regulations
  3. Investment processes and project management (for transport infrastructure projects)
  4. Traffic safety on transport infrastructure
  5. Področni predpisi in standardizacija na področju prometnega inženirstva – evropska in nacionalna
    tehnična regulativa ter osnove prometne infrastrukture
  6. Fundamentals of traffic modelling: traffic data and traffic modelling
  7. Traffic management

The price for attending the seminar (including literature) is EUR 760.00. Candidates may also attend individual lectures only within the framework of the regular seminars, the price for attending a single lecture is EUR 155.00. We are not subject to VAT.

The fee for the seminar must be paid upon registration to the DIPS business account: SI56 6100 0001 2946 840 (Delavska hranilnica d. d. Ljubljana), no later than 7 days before the start of the seminar. Registration is made using the form at the bottom of this website. The seminar is subject to the number of registrations (minimum of 10 candidates).

The professional examination for the certified engineer in the field of transport engineering is provided by the Engineering Chamber of Slovenia (IZS), Jarška 10b, 1000 Ljubljana. Information on professional examinations and examination programmes can be obtained on the IZS website.

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